Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Welcome Spring!!!

It happended. The first day of spring, the 21st of March was two days ago. And that means that the warmth and brightness of spring will be with us for another three months ;). In Poland, the First Day of Spring is an important event with many customs and traditions. They have been all preserved from pagan times, when the Mother Earth was worshipped by the Slavs. Accompanying those customs were magical rituals believed to bring energy to homes and the joy of life and ensure a good harvest and success throughout the whole year. The most common and popular practice was (symbolizing the expulsion of winter) the drowning or burning straw effigy called Marzanna. After the ritual symbolic ban of winter, it was turn to welcome spring. Men used to ignite fires on the hills, which were expected to ensure the coming of spring and sunny days. Young people would set off to the meadows and the woods in search of willow and hazel - covered with buds - the so-called catkins or "Bazie". Women used to clean the whole house and bake special spring cakes. The most important, however, was painting eggs - a Proto-Slavic symbol of life, fertility and magical vital force. Easter egg was in fact a particular element of the magical rituals that was to provide health and fertility not only to the members of the household but also the animals. In some regions, a colourful processions consisting of both human and animals were organised in order to manifestate the fact that spring had come.

Customs are of course important but spring means also longer days, warm weather and smiling faces so let's cherish this beautiful time of year!!!

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